Sep 27, 2024  
2021-22 Catalog 
2021-22 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course offerings are subject to change.

The courses in this section are grouped by subjects that are listed alphabetically. Within each subject group, the courses are listed in numerical order, the lowest first and the highest last.

Courses with numbers 099 and below are noncredit courses. Courses with numbers in the 100-199 range are considered first-year courses. Courses numbered 200 or higher are considered second-year courses.

The semester in which a course is generally offered is indicated by the codes: Fa = Fall, O = Occasional, Sp = Spring and Su = Summer. Students and their advisors may use these designations in determining course selection for any particular semester.

Electives - Within an academic program, courses are either required or elective. Elective courses fall into broad subject areas of study in the liberal arts and sciences. These broad subject areas are the humanities, the natural sciences and the social sciences. Courses may also be business electives or may be undesignated.

General Education Requirements - In addition, all degree programs have specific general education requirements. General education requirements assure that students have exposure to a range of courses in specific areas of the curriculum. The general education requirements are grouped into six modes. The general education modes and courses can be found in the catalog here .

When choosing courses, it is important to choose the type of elective or general education mode specified within the program of study. Students should seek the advice of a academic counselor or faculty member when choosing courses.

A complete list of courses being offered is available online at A list of current Continuing Education courses is available online as well. Course offerings are subject to change.



  • SOC* 101: Principles of Sociology

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 101)
    This course is designed to provide students with a basic overview and understanding of the discipline of sociology. The course focuses on the concepts, methods, theories, and levels of analysis used in the study of social interaction. The readings and lectures will examine a broad range of social issues and questions; the different theories of social behavior used to explain these questions; and the ways in which sociologists scientifically examine these theories. The goal of the course is to provide students with the ability and knowledge to critically examine and understand the social issues that impact their daily lives.  Depending upon the instructor, this course often includes a service learning project in which students learning sociology while also serving their community by volunteering at non-profit community organizations (e.g., Habitat for Humanity, Foodshare, mentoring youth, environmental projects, food pantries, homeless shelters, etc.).
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Fall, Spring
    Fulfills General Education - Knowledge of Social Sciences
  • SOC* 116: Impact of Aging on the Family

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 205)
    This course will consider key social issues and current service delivery systems that affect the aged population.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101 
    Offered: Spring
  • SOC* 200: Queer Sociology

    3 Credits
    This course provides a critical exploration of identity based understandings of sex, gender, orientation, race and the family. Using assigned readings, experiential activities, and classroom discussion, students will incorporate queer theories as well as personal values to challenge their assumptions and undermine previously unquestioned ‘givens’ about each of these topics. Finally, students will explore the question: what is possible (as individuals, as a society) if we assume no causal relationship among sex, gender, sexuality and desire?
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 201: Contemporary Social Issues

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 202)
    A detailed analysis of major social problems in American society. Problems including population, ecology, poverty, race and ethnic relations, urbanization, the role of the media, criminal activity, aging, health, and housing will be evaluated. Emphasis is on American society, but some international issues and situations will be examined. Community awareness and involvement will be stressed as students evaluate local issues as well.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101 
    Offered: Fall,Spring
  • SOC* 205: Sociology In Film

    3 Credits
    This course is designed to teach key sociological topics through film. In this course, we will examine how a range of social issues are depicted in both documentary and popular film. Students study such issues as race relations, family dynamics, urbanization, gender and reproduction, and crime by viewing films, analyzing the films’ content, and reading sociology literature.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101 
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 210: Sociology of the Family

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 231)
    This course will explore the complexity and diversity of the contemporary family and other intimate relationships. Topics for this course include mate selection, gender roles, sexuality, communication, power and conflict, family violence, parenthood, work/family interaction, and diverse family arrangements.
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Fall,Spring
  • SOC* 211: Sociology of Gender

    3 Credits
    This course addresses the distinction between biological sex and the social construction of gender and investigates issues about the dynamics of sex and gender relationships in different socio-cultural contexts. Major topics for discussion include gender role differentiation, sex role stereotyping, and changes over time in male/female relationships in North American society with the differences and inequalities shaped by social class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age and national origin. A global perspective, which examines and compares the place of gender in nations of the North with those of the South, is also emphasized.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101 
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 212: Sociology of Women

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 261)
    An interdisciplinary study of women in contemporary America, making use of the data and methodology of history, psychology and sociology.
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 215: Women and Prisons

    3 Credits
    This course examines demographic characteristics, current offenses, criminal histories, the women’s family background, children, drug and alcohol use, prior physical and sexual abuse, and health issues. This course also includes a basic introduction to doing sociological research on a topic as each student will pick a states prison population to examine individually.
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 220: Racial & Ethnic Diversity

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 271)
    This course focuses on the interrelationship of institutionalized prejudice and discrimination and related aspects of diversity in society. The experience of various ethnic and racial minorities in the United States is investigated through the study of the origins and functions of subordination in society.
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 227: The Native American Experience

    3 Credits
    Students will become familiar with the major issues and topics of tribes in Connecticut such as tribal recognition, and casino development. The course will also examine economic, political, and social concerns of tribes in North America. With much class participation and contact with guest speakers, students will bring into sharper focus the real day to day issues of native people who “more than 500 years after the European Invasion of North America are still seeking to work out relations, as descendants of the first Americans, with the people of modern American society.”
    Prerequisites: eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 228: African American Sociology and Literature

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to ways in which scholars examine the African American experience as a major topic in Sociology and Literature. The course is taught from an interdisciplinary perspective that emphasizes methodologies and approaches from both the humanities and the social sciences framing inquiries about African American literary creations, social life, history, and socio-cultural organization. The goal of the course is for each student to look at black culture and society in a broader and more complex way.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101  and ENG* 120.
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SOC* 240: Criminology

    3 Credits
    Introduces the fundamental principles of criminology; namely, the nature, existence and causation of crime, the problems and procedures involved in the administration of justice, and rehabilitative and corrective treatment.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101  or CJS* 101  
    Offered: Spring
    Cross listed as: CJS* 201  
  • SOC* 241: Juvenile Delinquency

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 211)
    Examines the social aspects of juvenile delinquency and the pressures that cause this behavior to emerge. The organization, functions and jurisdiction of the juvenile court system, as well as processing, detention, case disposition and juvenile delinquency statutes, are examined.
    Prerequisites: SOC* 101  or CJS* 101  
    Offered: Occasionally
    Cross listed as: CJS* 203  
  • SOC* 242: Sociology of Deviance

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SOC 203)
    This course will provide an overview and analysis of deviant behavior and social control. The course will critically review and discuss the causes of deviance and societal attempts at controlling deviant behavior. Topics to be studied include alcohol and drug abuse, criminal activity, disabilities, mental illness, sexual deviance, violent behavior and abuse, elite deviance, and collective deviance.
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 101 .
    Offered: Fall,Spring


  • SPA* 108: Elementary Spanish I & II

    8 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 108)
    An intensive, beginning Spanish course in which two semesters of Spanish (SPA* 111  and SPA* 112 ) are completed in one semester. Students will develop all four language skills. The emphasis in class will be speaking and listening, the assignments will emphasize reading and writing. Hispanic culture will be studied. No previous Spanish language experience required. Transfer college may not award credit for this course if the student has already completed two or more years of Spanish at the high school level.
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Fall,Spring
    Fulfills General Education - Knowledge of Humanities
  • SPA* 111: Elementary Spanish I

    4 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 101)
    An introduction to spoken and written Spanish. Emphasis is on basic grammar and developing all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) with an emphasis on Hispanic culture. No previous Spanish language experience required. Transfer college may not award credit for this course if the student has already completed two or more years of Spanish at the high school level.
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Fall,Summer
  • SPA* 112: Elementary Spanish II

    4 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 102)
    A second semester course in which students develop all four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) while studying grammatical structures (preterite, imperfect, object pronouns, reflexive verbs) that are more advanced than those studied in the first semester Spanish course. Hispanic culture will be studied.
    Prerequisites: SPA* 111 , one year of high school Spanish, or permission of instructor. Transfer college may not award credit for this course if the student has already completed two or more years of Spanish at the high school level.
    Offered: Spring,Summer
    Fulfills General Education - Knowledge of Humanities
  • SPA* 130: Spanish Culture

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 125)
    A survey of Spanish culture taught in English. Topics of study include art, music, literature, history, geography, political systems, bullfighting, and culture with a small “c” (use of two surnames, extended families, cuisine, etc.)
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SPA* 131: Hispanic Culture

    1, 2 or 3 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 130)
    This is an independent study course which is offered in conjunction with an academic trip and is available only to participants of that trip. Pre-trip assignments will prepare the students for the research that will be done in the country of the trip and post-trip assignments will organize and analyze the information observed and collected in the Hispanic country. (This course can be done in English or in Spanish.) Class: hours per week will depend on number of credit hours. Co-requisite: student must participate in an academic trip sponsored by MCC.
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SPA* 135: Hispanic Culture and Conversation

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 145)
    A one-semester, first-level course for two-year career program students which stresses aspects of Hispanic culture, as well as pronunciation and vocabulary skills in Spanish, that would be helpful as an additional tool in future employment, job advancement, and effective fulfillment of daily job routines.
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SPA* 145: Mexican Culture

    3 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 145)
    A survey of Mexican culture taught in English. Topics of study includes art, music, literature, ancient civilizations, history, geography, political systems, bullfighting, and culture with a small “c” (use of two surnames, bargaining in the market, extended families, cuisine, etc.).
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SPA* 208: Intermediate Spanish I and II

    8 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 208)
    An intensive, intermediate Spanish course in which two semesters of Spanish (SPA* 211  and SPA* 212 ) are completed in one semester. Students will be taught all four language skills with an emphasis on speaking and listening in class and an emphasis on reading and writing through the assignments. Cultural readings will be in Spanish. Students may select the honors option for this course.
    Prerequisites: SPA* 112  or SPA* 108  or two years of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SPA* 211: Intermediate Spanish I

    4 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 201)
    A third semester course in which grammar, conversation and reading materials are at an intermediate level. Students will be taught all four language skills with an emphasis on speaking and listening in class and an emphasis on reading and writing through the assignments. Cultural readings will be in Spanish. Students may select the honors option for this course.
    Prerequisites: SPA* 111 , and SPA* 112  or SPA* 108  or two years of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
    Offered: Fall
    Fulfills General Education - Knowledge of Humanities
  • SPA* 212: Intermediate Spanish II

    4 Credits
    (Formerly SPAN 202)
    A fourth semester course in which the grammar, conversation and reading materials are at an intermediate level. Students will be taught all four language skills with an emphasis on speaking and listening in class and an emphasis on reading and writing through the assignments. Cultural readings will be in Spanish.
    Prerequisites: SPA* 211  (201 from other CT Community Colleges) or three years of high school Spanish or permission of instructor.
    Offered: Spring
    Fulfills General Education - Knowledge of Humanities
  • SPA* 251: Advanced Spanish I

    4 Credits
    A fifth semester course in which language skills will be reinforced while increased emphasis is placed on composition and conversation. Literature and culture will also be studied in Spanish.
    Prerequisites: SPA* 212 , SPA* 208  or permission of the instructor.
    Offered: Occasionally
  • SPA* 252: Advanced Spanish II

    4 Credits
    A sixth semester course in which language skills will be reinforced while increased emphasis is placed on composition and conversation. Literature and culture will also be studied in Spanish.
    Prerequisites: SPA* 212 , SPA* 208  or permission of instructor.
    Offered: Occasionally

Speech-Language Pathology Assistant

  • SLP* 111: Communication Development

    3 Credits
    An overview of the milestones of form, content, and use in the process of typical communication development for children from infancy through adolescence.
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG* 093  or concurrently taking ENG* 096  .
    Offered: Fall
  • SLP* 112: Speech and Language Services in the Educational Setting

    3 Credits
    This course will address professional issues related to the role of the Speech/Language Pathology Assistant in the practice of speech/language pathology in schools. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the legal and policy framework for school services, ethical practice, supervision, collaboration, scheduling, data collection, advocating, professional development, resources, and professional trends. This course includes an observation component.
    Prerequisites: SLP* 111  or concurrently taking SLP* 111 .
    Offered: Spring
  • SLP* 120: Communication Disorders and Intervention I

    3 Credits
    A general overview of language, and hearing disorders in preschool and school-aged children, their impact on literacy acquisition, and evidence-based interventions. This course will prepare Speech/Language Pathology Assistants for their role in providing oral language and literacy interventions to children with language and hearing disorders in educational settings.
    Prerequisites: SLP* 111 .
    Offered: Fall
  • SLP* 121: Communication Disorders and Intervention II

    3 Credits
    A general overview of phonology, voice, and fluency disorders in preschool and school aged children, with a focus on phonology (i.e., speech) problems and evidenced-based interventions. This course will prepare Speech/Language Pathology Assistants for their role in providing assistance to children with phonology disorders in educational settings and will also prepare them to work with students with significant/severe communication needs (e.g., non-verbal/low verbal children requiring assistive technology [AT] or augmentative/alternative communication [AAC] systems).
    Prerequisites: SLP* 111 .
    Offered: Spring

Surgical Technology

  • SUR* 101: Operating Room Procedures I

    4 Credits
    (Formerly ST 101)
    An introduction to theoretical experience of the basic skills used in an operating room: aseptic technique, technologists’ arts, instrumentation, draping techniques, and related operating room skills. An explanation of essential patient care concepts necessary for effective functioning in an operating room.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Coordinator.
    Offered: Fall
  • SUR* 102: Operating Room Procedures II

    4 Credits
    (Formerly ST 102)
    An introduction to practical experience of the basic skills used in an operating room: aseptic technique, technologists’ arts, instrumentation, draping techniques, and related operating room skills such as mock operations in lab. Includes an extensive survey of various surgical specialties including specific operations in each discipline.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and successful completion of SUR* 101 .
    Offered: Fall
  • SUR* 105: Medical Terminology for Surgical Technologists

    2 Credits
    (Formerly ST 105)
    An introduction to basic and advanced medical terms used in medicine and surgery. Open to all students with permission of the program coordinator.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director
    Offered: Fall
  • SUR* 201: Seminar in Surgery

    2 Credits
    (Formerly ST 106)
    This course serves as a bridge between the preclinical and clinical phases of the program and emphasizes the total picture of the surgical patient. Students learn about health care departments outside the operating room that are integral to diagnosis and treatment of surgical conditions. Presentations by physicians and practitioners emphasize surgical procedures and perioperative care of the patient.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and successful completion of SUR* 102  
    Offered: Fall
  • SUR* 220: Clinical Experience I

    2 Credits
    (Formerly ST 220)
    An introduction to clinical practice in general and specialty surgical procedures in the operating room and outpatient facilities. Emphasis is on applying skills learned in the pre-clinical courses to clinical practice including experiences in basic operating room procedures and minor surgery.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and successful completion of SUR* 102 .
    Offered: Spring
  • SUR* 221: Pathology/Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the topics relating to Surgical Technology as identified in the 6th Edition of the Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology. The pathology and pharmacology of each organ system will be discussed concurrently.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and BIO* 212  
    Offered: Fall
  • SUR* 222: Clinical Experience II

    4 Credits
    (Formerly ST 222)
    Clinical practice in the operating room concentrating on experience in basic procedures of general and specialty surgery.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and successful completion of SUR* 220 .
    Offered: Spring
  • SUR* 224: Clinical Experience III

    4 Credits
    (Formerly ST 224)
    Clinical practice in the operating room concentrating on experience in advanced levels of general and specialty surgery. Includes classroom preparation for the national certification examination and development of job search skills.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and successful completion of SUR* 222 .
    Offered: Spring
  • SUR* 225: Advanced Seminar in Surgery

    3 Credits
    This course will review the basic principles and practices taught in the Surgical Technology program. This course will focus on the objectives of the National Certification Examination for Surgical Technologists (CST) using an online learning system, lecture and practice tests. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to pass the CST examination which is required for employment as a surgical technologist.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the Surgical Technology Program Director and   and   
    Offered: Spring


  • THR* 101: Introduction to Theater

    3 Credits
    This course explores the range of theatrical conventions present in theater throughout the world. Students will participate in hands-on activities in acting, directing, and design. Students will complete a research paper on a topic in theater history in addition to writing responsively throughout the course both in class and online
    Prerequisites: Eligibility for   .
    Offered: Fall, Spring
    Fulfills General Education - Knowledge of The Arts
  • THR* 110: Acting I

    3 Credits
    (Formerly THEA 181)
    A first course in acting. Students will focus on relaxation and physical awareness, and on developing their imagination, concentration and characterization skills. They will be introduced to basic vocal and physical techniques. Class: 3 hours per week.
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Fall, Spring
  • THR* 190: Theater Practicum I

    3 Credits
    Theatre Practicum involves students in a play production.  Areas such as set construction, lighting, costuming, box office, running crew and stage managing will be explored through the process of rehearsing and mounting a play for performance.
    Prerequisites: None
    Offered: Spring
  • THR* 210: Acting II

    3 Credits
    (Formerly THEA 182)
    A continuation of THR* 110 . Students will focus on script analysis and interpretation, and will expand their emotional, expressive and technical ranges.
    Prerequisites: THR* 110  or equivalent training or experience.
    Offered: Spring

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