Program Design
CSCU Pathway Transfer, A.S. degree program are for Connecticut Community College students who wish to transfer to one of the Connecticut State Universities or Charter Oak without either losing any credits or being required to take extra credits in order to complete a bachelor’s degree in that same discipline. Community College students can complete associate degree programs that transfer without hassle to all Connecticut State Universities and Charter Oak State College offering their major. Upon transfer, students are guaranteed full junior status and can complete a bachelor’s degree in their major without losing any credits or be required to take any extra credits.
With this degree you will be able to transfer to the following majors:
At Central Connecticut State University: Chemistry - General Program, B.S.
Chemistry - American Chemical Society Certified, B.S.
At Southern Connecticut State University: Chemistry, B.S.
At Western Connecticut State University: Chemistry - Non-American Chemical Society Approved, B.A.
Chemistry - American Chemical Society Approved, B.A.
At Charter Oak State College: General Studies - Chemistry Concentration, B.A.
Below is the recommended course of study for the Mathematics Studies Transfer Degree. In order to graduate and be guaranteed admission to a State University or to Charter Oak State College, you must earn an overall 2.0 grade point average.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Complete an Associate of Arts degree in Chemistry Studies and transfer seamlessly into a Bachelor of Arts/Science degree program in Chemistry with junior-level status in the receiving CSCU institution as part of the CSCU Transfer Tickets program.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental chemical principles by applying critical thinking and problem solving skills in the solution of chemical problems.
3. Plan and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question, record and present the data clearly, and analyze the results accurately.
4. Recall and employ the proper procedures and regulations for safe handling, use, and disposal of chemicals.